Vitality Improvement
Traditional Acupuncture
Herbal Treatment
Cupping Therapy
Distance treatment program (Coming Soon)
Acupuncture is a way of healing by reactivate or re-balance your body’s nature flow of energy. It can stimulus body’s energy flow and cells functions; hence to restore your healthy state.
What is Acupuncture meridian? Does it exist? Who discovered it?
壓力&心理健康 Stress Management & Mental Health
瘦身減肥 Weight loss Plan
失眠 Insomnia
循環系統 Circulatory system
神經系統 Nervous system
消化系統 Digestive System
免疫系統 Autoimmune diseases
婦科 &賀爾蒙 Female Reproductive & Hormone health
一般感冒 Common Cold
產後 Postpartum Recovery
體態管理 Posture optimization
肌肉和關節疼痛 Muscle & Joint pain
The cold energy may be easier to understand as it is a sensation of coldness. The coldness we felt during fever is an invasion of the cold energy; therefore, fever is not necessary all caused by heat energy but can also be caused by cold energy.
ven in modern science, the definition of sleep is not very specific. It may be generalized as inactive of the nervous system, eyes closed and suspended consciousness etc.
Long term stress continues triggering the secretion of stress hormone, in short term it helps us battle difficult situation in life.
A gynecological-related disorder is more common now, especially amount younger women.
We will be discussing how Chinese medicine can help in the early phase to reduce the severity of morning sickness and stabilize your embryo.
The cold energy may be easier to understand as it is a sensation of coldness. The coldness we felt during fever is an invasion of the cold energy; therefore, fever is not necessary all caused by heat energy but can also be caused by cold energy.
They like to be adventurous when they were young, and they take care of their lovely family after marriage; therefore, all those great women are under high stress. A lot of them are starting to have period issue in the age between 20 to 30.
In a normal condition dampness is ideal to create cloud and rain, which are essential for the earth ecological system. Dampness is only harmful when such ideal circulation is obstructed.