Naturally restore your sleep

Even in modern science, the definition of sleep is not very specific. It may be generalized as inactive of the nervous system, eyes closed and suspended consciousness etc. In in the eyes of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Sleep is the result of hidden of the spirit force and this force is hidden in liver at night, so if one has a functional problem with their liver, sleep can be a problem, particularly during 1 am to 3 am. This is when the liver Chi is most active. If you experience an emotional problem, particularly anger and tends to wake up from 1 am to 3 am or cannot fall asleep from 1 am to 3 am. Therefore, liver health is directly related to how you sleep. However, from a holistic point of view, sleep disorder is a combination of series disfunction on our body. For example, distress mind, kidney deficiency, stomach and spleen dysfunction etc. With TCM you have the power to naturally restore your sleep, your health and your life.


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