The secret of the Acupuncture Meridians- Episode 1

Acupuncture Meridian, the path of CHI, the life force in our body.

What is Acupuncture meridian? Does it exist? Who discovered it?

I would say those are good questions that may never be fully answered. It was discovered, by ancient Chinese wisdom through the process of meditation. n deep meditation with a completed calmed mind, the ancestors discovered twelve main channels and eight extraordinary channels of energy/CHI flows in our body.


This is what Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used in the acupuncture treatment. The twelve main channels can be divided into 6 Ying channel and 6 Yang Channel. 3 of the 6 Ying channels raise the energy from feet to body and the other 3 Ying Channel raised the energy from the body to the tip of the hands to connect with the Yang channel. Imaging a person standing with raised hands, the tip of hands is at the highest point. On the other hand, the 6 Yang channel lower the energy from the tips of the hands to the head, and from the head to the toes to connect with the Ying channels. This is how the meridian circulates energy in our body. Each of the twelves main channels is connected to an organ in our body.

Therefore, acupuncture can also treat imbalance in our organ function other than pain along the path of the meridians. The eight extraordinary paths are served as a reservoir to store and to release the energy when needed. However, those eight extraordinary channels require activation to better utilize its function and acupuncture and temporary reactive those channels for treatment purpose. There are many pearls of wisdom hidden in the meridians and acupoints and some still await to be discovered.


The herbal formula “Four Agents Decoction” for red blood cell deficiency and liver CHI disfunction.


Angelica sinensis - for blood deficiency and stagnation.