About Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a way of healing by reactivate or re-balance your body’s nature flow of energy. It can stimulus body’s energy flow and cells functions; hence to restore your healthy state. There are many application theories behinds acupuncture, “meridians” is the most well-known traditional theory. Others like the pain points, reflexology, X mirroring/imaging also had been documented in ancient literature, or discovered in modern days. If any of those channels or points are obstructed, so does our energy flow, and our whole body will be impacted and resulting in pain or health issues.
Acupuncture has been proven to treat pain, stress, insomnia, internal organ imbalance and to speed up recover from almost any health problem.
In modern days, where sanitization is priority. Sterilized and one- time use disposable acupuncture needles are used in clinical environment. Based on the diagnoses
practitioner will select appropriate treat points to perform acupuncture. it involves needles penetrate through to achieve the stimulus for treatment purpose. Additional treatment methods can include, but are not limited to: acupuncture, acupressure, the electrical stimulation of needles, cupping or moxibustion, gua sha, and Tuina. Before any of these procedures are performed, practitioner will discuss patients for treatment options and only proceed if consent is given.
During the acupuncture treatment, sensations such as, pain, tender, electrical impulse, and muscle contraction are commonly experienced. Any discomfort or questions should notify practitioner immediately.
Acupuncture is not recommended for those who is on diet, or Jet lag. It is recommended for all patients to come in with some snacks or food. As the acupuncture can cause sudden energy flow or disturbance which may have side effect like light-headed or nausea.
It is also recommended for patient to keep treatment area dry and clean for at least an hour.